28 Jun
How to guide with photographers ?
Posted at 10:00h in DiveMaster, IDC Study Notes, PADI Dive Instructor, PADI Divemaster, PADI IDC 0 Comments
As a PADI Divemaster, your main task is usually to guide divers and show them the beauty and points of interests of your local area.
Now, guiding photographers can be quite different. They usually have a different pace and expectations than other divers, and this can prove a little bit unsettling if you are not used to it. So here are a few tips on how to be a great Divemaster for underwater photographers.
- Organise for equipment: depending on the camera set up, you might need for example a bucket of fresh water on site or on the boat. Ask if they need assistance, like someone passing them the setup in the water once they are in.
- Be SLOW: this sounds like an obvious one, but photographers need time…to take photos! You will have to adjust your pace quite a bit to allow them plenty of time to get the perfect shot. The tricky part of this one is when you have in a group photographers and non-photographers. Try to keep everyone entertained! If the dive site allows, you might want to swim around with some divers while the photographers take their time, while keeping them in sight.
- Understand what they want: having some ideas of the shots they are expecting to take will help you. Are they after small critters? Reef shots wide angle? Anything specific they want to find? By knowing what they are into, you can give them a better dive! Finding out about their experience level will also help, if they are seasoned divers they might be looking for something a bit unusual.
- Be environmental friendly: getting the perfect shot does not justify everything. Kindly remind your divers that touching sea life or corals is not allowed and that the aquatic life should not be disturbed to get better photos.